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Here are some of the wonderful letters we've received from our visitors and customers in chronological order, and totally unedited. | ||||||
Prior to Dec 2002 |
2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 |
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
Letters for 2010:
From: Regina Love <reggieleelove@yahoo.com> Hi - I adore your site! I would love for my shop to added to your retro links page. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I would happily reciprocally link to you! Thank you, Regina: Regina's Retro Designs and Gifts: http://Regella.com |
From: GreggPoiry@aol.com My wife (Tracy Poiry) just purchased your Retro Ad Art. Really great stuff! |
From: Christina Barnes <christinabarnes@yahoo.com> Bless your heart for preserving these. It is a lost art style to be sure. I have always maintained that that style of art can't be convincingly reproduced by someone from another era. I used to work with an "old guy" who designed the Carnation Milk logo. Everything he did had that cool, old retro look to it because of his age. So great you appreciate the style. I am a recovering Business Broker and I appreciate you sharing that story with me. I always love to hear how entrepreneurial ventures get started. Great looking site by the way. As for the royalties, that is a very simple way to do it, works for me. Have a great day! Christina |
From: Christina Barnes <christinabarnes@yahoo.com> Hi, Sincerely, |
From: nycsurfer@aol.com Hey Tony -- Boy oh boy... Well the GOOOD news is I love the CD and am impressed by how fast you folks got it to me; the BAD news is I am looking for a big huge fat favor... You forwarded hundreds of retro font sets to me (and for that I'm grateful) but is there a possibility that either you or someone in your immediate vicinity might know one (of these hundreds) that best matches the words CABINS FOR TOURISTS in the attached GIF. PLEASE say yes.. Otherwise, I will have to spend the next two months of my spring opening up (and looking through) 300 font files. Ugh... THX SO MUCH for your attention and for the CD. Your new fan, Andrew Brewer |
From: D <theleagueofshadows@gmail.com> Thanks Tony for the quick response. I talked to the post office and was able to pick it up after work. Thanks again!! cheers, |
Prior to Dec 2002 |
2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 |
2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 |
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